Flossy II,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Flossy II, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

  Beached,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Beached, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

  Boomer II,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Boomer II, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

  Cotton Mouth,  oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016

Cotton Mouth, oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016

  Flossy,  oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016

Flossy, oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016

  Boomer III,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Boomer III, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

  Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty , oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016

Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty, oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016

  Mound,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Mound, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

  Slipping,  oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297mm, 2016

Slipping, oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297mm, 2016

  Yawning Sea,  oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297mm, 2016

Yawning Sea, oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297mm, 2016

  Bona Fide,  oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2016

Bona Fide, oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2016

  Moon Around,  oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2016

Moon Around, oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2016

  Frothing at the Mouth,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Frothing at the Mouth, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

  Beached,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm

Beached, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm

  Flushed , oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

Flushed, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

  Vaseline Bay,  acrylic and oil on board, 210 x 297mm, 2015

Vaseline Bay, acrylic and oil on board, 210 x 297mm, 2015

  Waxen,  acrylic, wax and oil on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2015

Waxen, acrylic, wax and oil on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2015

  Nap Lake,  acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

Nap Lake, acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

  Powder Terraces,  acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2015

Powder Terraces, acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2015

  Mono Cliff,  oil and acrylic on board, 195 x 265 mm, 2015

Mono Cliff, oil and acrylic on board, 195 x 265 mm, 2015

  The closest you will ever get to a rock , oil and acrylic on board, 2015

The closest you will ever get to a rock, oil and acrylic on board, 2015

  Form 2 , oil and acrylic on board, 2015 

Form 2, oil and acrylic on board, 2015 

  Sabine , oil and acrylic on board, 2015.

Sabine, oil and acrylic on board, 2015.

  Milk Corners , oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

Milk Corners, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

  Bone Dry,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

Bone Dry, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

  Cloud,  oil and arcylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

Cloud, oil and arcylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

  Frozen Geyser III,  oil on board, 2015 

Frozen Geyser III, oil on board, 2015 

  Iceberg , oil on board, 2015

Iceberg, oil on board, 2015

  Iceberg,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

Iceberg, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

  Tongue Tied,  oil on board,   265 x 195 mm

Tongue Tied, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm

  Cloud Island,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

Cloud Island, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

  Blue Skies,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014, 

Blue Skies, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014, 

  Northern Lights,  oil on board,  265 x 195 mm , 2014

Northern Lights, oil on board,  265 x 195 mm, 2014

  Bonfire I,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm , 2014,

Bonfire I, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014,

  Bonfire,  oil on board,   265 x 195 mm, 2014

Bonfire, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

  Snow Storm,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm,  2014

Snow Storm, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

  Dust Storm,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

Dust Storm, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

  Sea Storm , oil on board, 265 x 195 mm 2014

Sea Storm, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm 2014

  Landscape I , oil on board, 325 x 215 mm, 2014

Landscape I, oil on board, 325 x 215 mm, 2014

  Landscape III,  oil on board, 325 x 215 mm, 2014 

Landscape III, oil on board, 325 x 215 mm, 2014 

  Landscape II,  oil on board,   325 x 215  mm, 2014

Landscape II, oil on board, 325 x 215 mm, 2014

  Flossy II,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016
  Beached,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016
  Boomer II,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016
  Cotton Mouth,  oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016
  Flossy,  oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016
  Boomer III,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016
  Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty , oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016
  Mound,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016
  Slipping,  oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297mm, 2016
  Yawning Sea,  oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297mm, 2016
  Bona Fide,  oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2016
  Moon Around,  oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2016
  Frothing at the Mouth,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016
  Beached,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm
  Flushed , oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015
  Vaseline Bay,  acrylic and oil on board, 210 x 297mm, 2015
  Waxen,  acrylic, wax and oil on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2015
  Nap Lake,  acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015
  Powder Terraces,  acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2015
  Mono Cliff,  oil and acrylic on board, 195 x 265 mm, 2015
  The closest you will ever get to a rock , oil and acrylic on board, 2015
  Form 2 , oil and acrylic on board, 2015 
  Sabine , oil and acrylic on board, 2015.
  Milk Corners , oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015
  Bone Dry,  oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015
  Cloud,  oil and arcylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015
  Frozen Geyser III,  oil on board, 2015 
  Iceberg , oil on board, 2015
  Iceberg,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014
  Tongue Tied,  oil on board,   265 x 195 mm
  Cloud Island,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014
  Blue Skies,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014, 
  Northern Lights,  oil on board,  265 x 195 mm , 2014
  Bonfire I,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm , 2014,
  Bonfire,  oil on board,   265 x 195 mm, 2014
  Snow Storm,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm,  2014
  Dust Storm,  oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014
  Sea Storm , oil on board, 265 x 195 mm 2014
  Landscape I , oil on board, 325 x 215 mm, 2014
  Landscape III,  oil on board, 325 x 215 mm, 2014 
  Landscape II,  oil on board,   325 x 215  mm, 2014

Flossy II, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Beached, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Boomer II, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Cotton Mouth, oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016

Flossy, oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016

Boomer III, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty, oil and acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2016

Mound, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Slipping, oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297mm, 2016

Yawning Sea, oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297mm, 2016

Bona Fide, oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2016

Moon Around, oil and acrylic on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2016

Frothing at the Mouth, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2016

Beached, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm

Flushed, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

Vaseline Bay, acrylic and oil on board, 210 x 297mm, 2015

Waxen, acrylic, wax and oil on board, 210 x 297 mm, 2015

Nap Lake, acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

Powder Terraces, acrylic on board, 297 x 420 mm, 2015

Mono Cliff, oil and acrylic on board, 195 x 265 mm, 2015

The closest you will ever get to a rock, oil and acrylic on board, 2015

Form 2, oil and acrylic on board, 2015 

Sabine, oil and acrylic on board, 2015.

Milk Corners, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

Bone Dry, oil and acrylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

Cloud, oil and arcylic on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2015

Frozen Geyser III, oil on board, 2015 

Iceberg, oil on board, 2015

Iceberg, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

Tongue Tied, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm

Cloud Island, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

Blue Skies, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014, 

Northern Lights, oil on board,  265 x 195 mm, 2014

Bonfire I, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014,

Bonfire, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

Snow Storm, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

Dust Storm, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm, 2014

Sea Storm, oil on board, 265 x 195 mm 2014

Landscape I, oil on board, 325 x 215 mm, 2014

Landscape III, oil on board, 325 x 215 mm, 2014 

Landscape II, oil on board, 325 x 215 mm, 2014

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